Maximizing employee benefits for 40+ years

We are one of the oldest and most experienced Minnesota-based, privately owned, midsize employee benefits consulting firms.
Meet Greg Dattilo

Call 952-448-8800 to get started – Or use our contact form

DCI has an exceptionally experienced staff that is the envy in our industry.

23 years

average industry experience per staff member

17 years

average employment at DCI per staff member

35 years

average experience per Senior Consultant

CEBS Certified

One CEBS Certified on staff
(Wharton School of Business)

Our long-term staff is driven and measured by outcome based results.


less employee cost than national average


less employer cost than national average


Client Retention

Our Mission

Providing employee benefit plans with superior value, unrivaled support, and greater appreciation by your employees and their families.

 Our Standards

Our client retention rate measures our success. Our retention rate exceeds 99% as we work each day to live up to our promises.